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HTTP Error 404 not found message...What does it mean?

Error 404 not found

One of the most common error in the Internet world.i.e 404 not found...

The Error Message...

If you are doing engineering, or else diploma in computer science and suppose someone asks you what type of error is this?

So you have to give a proper answer...

So be prepared for the answer by reading this full article...

Here you will get to know the entire theory of 404 Not Found Error.

Whoever is reading this article, all might be facing this type of error once in a month. And after facing this type of error some people typically reply and give wrong answers.

And the answers like this...

Server Problem, Slow Internet Connection, Browser may be crashed...

I know it is a technical term, even some educated people don't know the answer. Am I right?
So I will give you a proper explanation about this type of error.

Generally, this type of error arises, when the user attempts to find some web page address. When a user types a web page address to the client computer and sends back to the server. The server responds to the user.

Sometimes, the client was able to communicate, but the server could not find what type of request entered by the user. And that time error was displayed HTTP 404 or 404 Not Found.

HTTP 404 is an error code which means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol standard response code. This error basically displays when a user attempts to follow a broken or dead link. It is one of the most common and recognized error on a World Wide Web.

What does it mean?  HTTP Error 404 Not found.

This Error, not a pretty new.

The story of this error begins before the 1980s. A Group of Scientists at CERN (Switzerland) started research on world wide web.

For completing this research, the scientists worked on database infrastructure which offers to access different file formats.

When scientist attempt to research on World Wide Web, that time central database is situated at the 4th floor in a building. And Room No is 404.

Some scientist works inside the room and also manually request to all the files as well as sometimes transferring data over the network to the server.

The user attempts to request inside the office, at that time not all the file request gets fulfilled. Because the user type some wrong input inside the address bar.

After this research scientist gets all these answers.

When the user types some wrong input inside the address bar, at that time it fails to reach in a proper destination.

Nowadays, this problem becomes more common. 

It was a faulty mistake to perform manually. And from that scientist gets a new error which had generated in a room no 404.

New error was founded. 

Which had given the name to “Room 404: file not found”.

In a simple word, if we want to reach some proper web page destination, then we need to type a correct path or address inside the URL.

example: Suppose I want to open a "" website. So I need to type a correct name and correct path of that website in the URL.

like this and not like this

If you type some wrong input than you will display the following screen.

If any mistake was found in the name or in the web page address, then the website was unable to open and it displays the error message Like this, HTTP error 404 not found... 

Hope, you will get all your answers. Now you have understood everything about this error.

"Error 404 not found message..."

~Jigs Prajapati

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