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We Indians, Our India, The Youth India again...

We Indians, Our India, The Youth India again...

This is not an essay writing, where I write some beautiful lines... 

This is not a printed script where I edit for a movie. Here, I am talking about some honest and serious article...

As a blogger, I love to write. But right now...?

I don't know what I write... I don't know what I say...I don't know what I do... 

Because I am not in a position to do something... 

14th February 2019... 

A very sad day in our life... Literally, I was just shocked, when I saw a news on the TV... 

40 CRPF personnel were killed on Thursday in one of the dangerous explosives attacked by terrorist ...(100 kg of explosive)

What the hell terrorism...

I was blank for a few minutes after watching such a piece of bad news. Our brave soldiers always ready to protect us...and now sadly he is not with us... 

So now who protect us? 

I don't know why the hell terrorism doing like this? Is this humanity?... 

Why? Why? For a minute I was just crying. And think for our brave soldiers and for their family members... 

How Terrorism Ends? And when? 

There are so many people just killed day by day with terrorism...? Educated people not doing like this...

Please end the terrorism...

I Trust to our government, who shortly give a powerful answer to the terrorist...

Right now, we all need to do calm down...

We don't want to do something bad, especially by the youth India... 

I know this situation was very dangerous for us and especially the family members of soldiers... 

Trust to our government... And trust in our Nation...One day it will end the terrorism...

As a Youth India, you always want to do something best for our nation... Always calm down, Don't believe in rumors... 

You need to educate yourself... 

Because you are the future of our India...We need to support our India by not weapons, but by education...

After all, we are the Youth India... 

To all Respected soldiers who died in a Kashmir, May God give him 'Rest In a Peace...'

~Jigs Prajapati

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