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What will happen in 1 Second? Interesting Facts about world.

I select a very interesting and different topic to write Today. 

Because I feel... 

Sometimes we need to change according to the situation. So I choose this one 

Here, You will find this amazing article. I share with you all some basic and curious facts. I know, that you don't know about these facts. 

So are you all ready to know some delightful facts? Let's begin.

Within 60 Seconds what will happen?

How many babies are born in a 1 Minutes?

According to UNICEF, Average babies are born in minutes is 260 around globally. So if we calculate these numbers by an hour then we get hour ratio of born babies. In an hour, 260*60=15600 babies are born. And if we calculate this number by 24 hours so we get per days ratio. i.e 15600*24=374400.

So the population of the world is increasing very rapidly by per days.

How many searches are performed on Google?

According to the source, there will be a more than 30 Million Google search performed in one minute. So if we calculate this number by an hour then it will cross to 1.8 Billion. So Assume how much Google earns on a daily basis.

How many Whatsapp Messages are sent in a second?

According to research, there will be a more than 4,50,000 WhatsApp messages are sent in a second. And the average daily message sent through WhatsApp is more than 65 Billion...what an amazing number.

How many photos are uploaded on Instagram?

Within a second, Average calculation of Instagram photos are uploaded is 720. And if we calculate by minutes then we got this number i.e 43200. And in one hour people uploads 259200 Million photos

How many people are dying in minutes?

According to the source, Die ratio is low as compared to birth ratio. But then too it was a big number.

There are more than 110 people die in each minute and in Hour 6600. And in a day 158400 people are dying in a day.

How many Lipsticks are produced?

Women are more stylish in this fashionable world. According to the source, 50 lipsticks are produced in a second and in Minutes it will reach to 3000 number and in Hour it will produce 180000.

How many Burgers are sold in an average minute?

People always love to eat fast food. And if we talking about McDonald Burgers than people are too crazy. According to the source, Average time requires to sold burger in a minute is more than 500.

How many YouTube videos are uploaded in a minute?

In 2019, There will be more different Video streaming media are started. But the likability of YouTube is not get a decrease. According to the source, there will be more than 290 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube every minute.

So assume that how much revenue generated by Google from youtube.

How much revenue generates by Amazon at each second?

Currently, The Amazon owner is the richest person in this entire world. Just because Amazon is an E-commerce Business. So we need to know how many transactions perform by Amazon in a minute.

According to the source, Average revenue from the transaction is more than $3,500 in one second. So the earning of Amazon is much more beyond our expectation.

How many cellular phones are sold?

The popularity of smartphones gets increases day by day.

According to the source, Average time requires to sold of any smartphones by each second is 45 across the world.

That means in one minute 2700 phones are sold and in an hour. i.e.162000.

The world of interesting facts. Hope you all like this article.

~Jigs Prajapati

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