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Nothing is Impossible | Remember this Word, "I M POSSIBLE".

Nothing is impossible

The word itself describes that nothing is impossible. 

It says "I m possible". 

We should keep trying until we get success in life.nothing is difficult in this world all creations are temporary if a person has inner strength & passion towards work. 

Don't blame God or destiny for bad days we face in life instead we should thank god for giving us bad days. 

Bad days teach good life lessons & taste the flavor of bad days. Don't be jealous of your competitor's success instead give nice compliments to them. God has also done hard work for creating us so we are on the earth.

If any day you feel like tired & frustrated keep in mind the goals of life that we have to achieve .one day late night sleep, early mornings wake-up, hard work, the dedication will pay off. 

every human is entitled to achieve success once in life. dedication & hard work are like lock & key of the door. grab the opportunity, opportunities are not a readymade thing we have to create it. 

The struggle you are doing today is developing the strength for tomorrow.never stop doing your best just because someone doesn't give you credit.

Never be a prisoner of past it was just a lesson, not a life sentence.

Never hate yourself for everything you aren't and start loving yourself for everything you already have.

Full form of success:

S - see your goal 

U - understand the obstacles

C - Create a positive mental picture

C - clear your mind of self-doubt

E - embrace the challenge

S - stay on track

In the holy book of the Christian bible, the phrase "Do not be afraid "is written 365 times. this proves that God is reminding us daily that don't be afraid, be fearless & live a day happily. 

pull out your talent then convert into passion &  then profession.we should work hard so we can become a perfect somebody that nobody can think of life how much tough days or obstacles comes we should face it with positive mindset instead of giving up. a bird sitting on a  tree is never afraid of the branch  breaking because her trust is not on the branch but on its own wings so always believe in yourself

In today's competitive world, one should have a belief in their own inner strength & passion. another way to taste yourself is to apply a swot analysis in life & the business also from this one can know the positive & negative opportunities & if implemented effectively then some result will halfway to get success

- know the strength

W - know the weakness

O - grab the opportunity

T - know the threats

God has given the superpower to human only if human uses this power then he is on the top of the success stairs.

Good, better, best. never let it rest.

8 secrets of success.......

Found the answer in your house!!!!!!!

Roof: Aim high

Fan: Be cool

Clock: Every minute is precious

Mirror: Reflect before you act

Window: See the world

Calendar: Be up-to-date

Door: Push hard to achieve your goals

Light: Always shine like a star

Hope you all will get all your answer... Stay Positive and Stay Relax...

~jinal Dedhia

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